Thursday, December 25, 2008

I should have known!

So it took some real coordination, a little French and a little more Spanish for me to catch two connecting flights and make it here to Madrid.. My poor bag, without these skills, was not so lucky. Right now my luggage is somewhere in the eastern US or western Europe. That's all the AirFrance people know. I'm not terribly worried, I should have my stuff tomorrow. I actually knew there was a good chance that this would happen, so I put an extra set of clothes in my carry on bag.

Gianna and I just walked around today, taking lots of pictures and otherwise looking like tourists. I wish I could post some, but I am blogging from my iPod, and I can't get photos on it. The city is really beautiful at night, they have a lot of lights up for Christmas. I hope everyone has a wonderful christmas with their families and friends.

Gianna's hilarious quote of the day: "It's just like New York, except everyone is short and Spanish."

1 comment:

Crazy May Days said...

Hooray for the big arrival!!! Sorry you are sans bag. Keep us posted!!! Have fun in la manzana grande!

Love to you and Gianna!!!