Because I am under self imposed quarantine, there hasn't been much for me to do this weekend in my 700 sq ft apartment. In an effort to postpone cabin fever, and because I am a bit of a goal-setter, I set out on Saturday to watch all of the Alien movies in order. I can't claim credit for this, as AMC was hosting an Alien marathon, but I did make the extra effort to dig up Alien vs. Predator to make it a five movie quest. AVP 2, I'm sorry, you suck, and I'm not even going to give it a shot.
Watching all these flicks taught me that my favorite part of sci/fi-horror movies is that initial discovery phase. The parts with the enigmatic messages and the ever increasing sense of foreboding. The parts where the lead character can suddenly read hieroglyphs or the payoff just seems to great to pass up and someone is going to have a moral dilemma. Once the villain starts tearing people apart, yeah that's exciting too, but by then most of the secrets are out. It's just a fight for survival.
Other than that, I've been a pretty lazy bum this weekend. Looking forward to getting better.